Sunday, August 22, 2010

ALAM 2010 Official Poster

Alam 2010 will be officially held on 13rd - 17th December 2010 and will be host by University Putra Malaysia, with the theme of There`s No Place Like HOME
. This annual program will be participate by International Islamic University Malaysia ( IIUM ), Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), IKBN Chembung, IKBN Bachok, IKBN Kuala Perlis, IKBN Dusun, IKM Sik, Kedah,
Kolej Komuniti Selendar and Kolej Komuniti Masjid Tanah.

Some of the programs along ALAM 2010

Here In My HOME (ice breaking & self expression)
There`s No Place Like HOME Grand Opening
Voice of The World ( landscape architecture talkshow)
Burn The Kitchen ( BBQ Night )
Through My Window (design workshop)
"I Can See.."(design workshop 2)
Human of Mother Earth ( performance night)
Environmental Awareness and Charity
SherlockHOME (explorace)
The Authentic Vintage Night ( dinner )

Delegates meeting will be held on 28th August 2010 from
2pm - 4pm
vanue : Biik Seminar Fakulti Rekabentuk & Senibina UPM

Black Version
White Version